IOC picks rugby and golf over karate… grrr

Jason Stanley 

This news just in…

The executive board of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) met this week to choose two sports from a short list to be voted on in Copenhagen on October 9 for inclusion in the Olympics.

The list included the 7 following sports…

* karate
* squash
* golf
* rugby 7s
* baseball
* softball
* roller sports
In a separate poll, the International Sports Press Association voted karate as the first sport to be included, which is an indication of what the media wants to see… but the IOC board wasn’t interested, again.

Karate has taken a back seat once more and will NOT be included at this time in the Olympic program. The two sports chosen ahead of karate were:

* rugby 7s


* golf!

Are you kidding me?

The World Karate Federation has been working very hard for years and years to get this inclusion and has been very close in the past, yet our martial art has been rejected time and time again.

I’m sure it’s been a frustrating week for all those involved, and all I can say is thank you for your continued efforts in pushing karate to become an Olympic sport.

Fingers crossed for next time…

Read all about it here:

– Jason

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Why is this a bad thing – personally i think it would be a bad thing for karate to be in the olympics.

    Karate is so much more than a sport (and for many of it practitioners it is not even a sport)

    To get a sport like karate but with a different name in the olympics would be in my mind the best. That way those that want it can do so and those that don't won't get swept into thier art being changed into "just a sport" – take a really good look at what it did to TDK before you try to kill Karate too

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