Category: Subscriber Q & A

Subscriber Q & A

How To Keep Students Interested

June 4, 2019
Jason Stanley

In a recent survey I asked instructors what their biggest challenge is when it comes to teaching and running a dojo. I received a wide variety of responses from needing new drills and exercises, to keeping helicopter parents from interfering, to managing student data. But one of the more common challenges relates to student retention, […]

Subscriber Q & A teaching karate to kids

Subscriber Q & A

November 5, 2014
Jason Stanley

Keith writes… “I have just started a new class for 4-7 year olds. To say they are bundles of energy is an understatement. I seem to spend the lesson with one or more of them hanging off one of my arms while another hugs one of my legs. I’m loving teaching them and getting some […]