Category: karate drills and exercises

karate drills and exercises

How to Develop Fighter Instinct

April 25, 2019
Jason Stanley

The tactical landscape of tournament fighting is forever changing. Competitors and coaches are always looking for an edge over their opponents. And with the all-too-frequent changes in rules, there is an arms race to develop the next great strategy, tactic, or method. Thanks to the pursuit of the next nuclear fighting tactic, fundamentals have taken […]

karate drills and exercises

Kumite Footwork Exercise

February 14, 2018
Jason Stanley
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Are you ready for a quick kumite footwork drill that helps develop strong quads, explosive movement and agility? AWESOME! You’ll need a sparring partner and a pair of focus mitts. It works like this: Partners face each other in their fighting stance at kicking range, left leg forward. TheĀ TargetĀ  holds the mitts in front of […]

karate drills and exercises teaching karate Uncategorized

Develop Your Weak Side

September 13, 2017
Jason Stanley

How many karate-ka does it take to change a light bulb? Just one. But he’ll do it 10,000 times with his right hand, then 10,000 times with his left. (This is the part where you laugh.) In all seriousness as much as we karate-ka like to think we are equally proficient on both sides of […]