Category: karate drills and exercises

karate drills and exercises

An easy way to disguise reps…

March 2, 2010
Jason Stanley

There’s a famous saying by success coach Anthony Robbins… “Repetition is the mother of skill.“ I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately as I’ve said before “Skill” has a sibling named “Boredom”. As karate instructors we know that we need to keep our classes fresh in order to keep our students motivated. And at times it’s challenging […]

karate drills and exercises teaching karate

Jenny, a cup and a coin…

January 19, 2010
Jason Stanley

Yesterday in my kids’ class one of my junior white belt girls could not help dropping her hands while making mae geri (front kick). When I corrected Jenny’s technique, I asked her what her hands were supposed to do, then explained and demonstrated how it should be done, and she was in complete agreement with […]