Category: teaching kata

teaching karate teaching kata

Bunkai Flow Drill

September 10, 2014
Jason Stanley

Important post today about applying bunkai… I know, I know “applying bunkai” is kind of redundant, right? Shouldn’t it be just “application” or “bunkai” instead of “applying bunkai”? Hmmmm. Anyway, I digress… Most often you’ll see two karate-ka apply bunkai (there’s that redundancy yet again) in the following way in a very formal manner. Both students […]

teaching kata

Bridging the Gap Between Form and Application

May 14, 2014
Jason Stanley

Here’s a quick karate kata exercise for you to help your students practice their kata application… It’s a group kata exercise that involves all members of the class working with each other. First you will need to choose a particular bunkai / application for the exercise. To keep it simple, you might start with the […]

teaching kata video

Turning on your heels – Part 2

February 5, 2014
Jason Stanley

So a couple of weeks ago I told you about when somebody once told me to make rear leg mawashi geri it’s best to turn on the heel of the supporting leg. I think we all agree that advice was absolute %$%3! I then talked about my preference for turning on the balls of the […]